in general and public libraries in particular, play an important role in all
aspects of societal development especially when viewed against its users, which
consist of all categories of people in the society. Public library has been
defined variously. Many see it as a place built for the collection of books and
other printed resources and the personnel to provide and interpret such
resources as required to meet the information, research, educational,
recreational, cultural and aesthetic needs of the varied users and it is
usually financed with public funds.
libraries in Nigeria have gone through a lot since the 1960s but what however
remains constant is the inability of the Libraries to adequately satisfy their
communities at the various stages of their metamorphosis and this is the
consequence of long period of neglect and lurk worm attitude of governments
towards public libraries.
the Beyond Access Project in Nigeria and with support from IREX, Youth
Initiative for Sustainable Human Development in Africa (YiSHDA) is building a
network of 36 Public Libraries across the Northern Region of Nigeria with the
aim to create a sustainable platform that will help develop public libraries to
function effectively and thereby transforming them into a unique hub for
national development.
CEO of YiSHDA, Joseph Emmanuel Yaba emphasized that since Nigeria
is in the dawn of a new era for development and change, therefore it is time to
lay a foundation by mainstreaming developmental programs/activities through the
public libraries for the benefit of the general public because libraries store
the energy that fuels the imagination and they open up windows to the world and
inspire people to explore, achieve, and contribute to improving their quality
of life.
YiSHDA continued
partnership with IREX on the Beyond Access Project in Nigeria has created
better opportunities and platforms to impact more people and, communities
across Nigeria and has also aided YiSHDA to achieve her goals as an
organization. As IREX continues to work and partner with YiSHDA we will build
more sustainable networks and reach out to areas where we are yet to have
impact. We will create new ideas and promote optimal development that will
produce equal opportunities and better futures for all people in Nigeria Joseph

Initiative for Sustainable Human Development in Africa (YiSHDA) is a
not-for-profit and non-governmental organization that has carved a niche for
itself in the design and implementation of programs targeted at young people
with special focus in Education, Development, Empowerment and Mentorship. It is
the mission of YiSHDA to advocate for policies and programs that have the
potential to impact positively the lives of young people especially in the
areas of Education, ICT4Development, Civic Engagement, Business/Enterprise
Development and Environmental Sustainability.
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